visualization and experimentation 
of the passing of time in domestic objects.


The passing of time is not only visible in those bodies that have life. It is also suffered by those lifeless. Ti the evolution of certain objects over time and reveals the changes that have suffered.

“I sometimes think that a photograph, any photograph, is essentially a vestige of time itself. Perhaps a photograph can only be considered an independent, materially perfect entity once the scene that it captured has gone from this world entirely.”
Ryuji Miyamoto - The Silence of Photographs (1988)

The medium of photography allows the decontextualization of those and their dignification. External degradation occurs through the film soup technique, thus showing a natural degradation of the objects and an artificial degradation of the film.

(I do not own all of the images. They are not intended for distribution or economic gain)


Art Direction
Editorial Design
Analogue Photography


Photography Studio
Printer & Bookbinder

Danse Macabre